Bump to Motherhood

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Vaginal Twin Birth

I was really moved by a twin birth on a programme yesterday. She really wanted a vaginal birth and twin one was head down so it was looking very promising. I think they said something like 50% of twin births are done by caesarean section in the UK. I guess it's much harder to get 2 babies to co-operate!!

The woman looked completely in control and barely broke a sweat! Twin 1 was born and within 2 minutes (yes 2 minutes!!) she had pushed out twin 2! They were healthy weights and simply adorable. Their big sister came in soon after their birth and loved them!!

Absolutely incredible. I am very fascinated by twins in general so was very pleased to see that birth on tv yesterday! I would be overjoyed to experience one as a doula.

For more information on twin pregnancy, birth and post natal visit Tamba - Twins & Multiple Births Association

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